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Song Zhen Dian Hong - Pine Needle

Song Zhen Dian Hong - Pine Needle

Regular price $17.75 USD
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🍂✨ Gong Fu Song Zhen Dian Hong: A Symphony of Red Tea ✨🍂

Immerse yourself in the poetic allure of Gong Fu Song Zhen Dian Hong - a red tea that sings the timeless beauty of Yunnan's ancient tea gardens.

A Name That Echoes Mastery:

🌲 Pine Needle (English Name): Inspired by the tea's slender, needle-like appearance reminiscent of delicate pine leaves, evoking images of serene pine forests.

🍵 工夫松针滇红 (Chinese Name): Translating to "Highest Mastery Pine Needle from Yunnan", the name itself is a tribute to the meticulous artistry and dedication that goes into every leaf.

Flavor Profile:

Let every sip take you on a journey through Yunnan's misty mountains. Experience the rich malty flavors, underpinned by subtle sweet undertones and a hint of smokiness. The slender leaves unfurl beautifully, releasing their rich aromatic essence. 

Indulge in the elegance and buy Gong Fu Song Zhen Dian Hong red tea today! 🛒🍵🌲

Brewing Instructions

🍵 How to brew Gong Fu Song Zhen Dian Hong: 🍵

Gong Fu Cha Method:

  1. Vessel Selection: Opt for a gaiwan or a teapot with medium to high heat retention.
  2. Tea Quantity: Use 7 grams of tea for every 100 ml of the brewing vessel.
  3. Water Temperature: Ensure the water is between 90-100°C.
  4. Brewing: Pour the water over the tea leaves.
  5. Steeping Time: Allow the tea to steep briefly, 5-10 seconds. Increase the steeping time slightly with each subsequent infusion.
  6. Rebrew: You can brew the tea up to 8 times, savoring the evolving flavors with each infusion.

Western-Style Brewing:

  1. Vessel Selection: Use a ceramic or metal teapot.
  2. Tea Quantity: Add 2 grams of tea for every 100 ml of water in the teapot.
  3. Water Temperature: Use freshly boiled water.
  4. Steeping Time: Let the tea steep for about 7 minutes.
  5. Brewing: Pour the boiling water over the tea leaves, ensuring they're fully submerged.
  6. Rebrew: This method is typically for a single, longer infusion. Enjoy the robust flavors in one go!

🌱 Enjoy your Gong Fu Song Zhen Dian Hong, and let the aromatic flavors take you on a delightful journey through China's rich tea heritage! 🌱

Shipping Information:

This tea ships from Canada or Portugal and usually arrives in 5-10 days.

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